NVC Online Resources

Nonviolent Communication Online Resources

This page contains videos and links to many NVC online resources. It’s arranged under three main headings:
1. Marshall Rosenberg free web resources – video, audio and written.
2. NVC Resources under themes – Facebook, feelings and needs lists, schools, parenting, prison resources.
3. Key NVC websites from around the world – arranged by continents and countries.

1. Marshall Rosenberg Free Videos, Audios and Written Words Online

Below are links to some free online NVC video clips and downloadable audio clips of Marshall Rosenberg, creator of Nonviolent Communication, talking about NVC, and about conflict resolution. Since Marshall’s death in 2015 many videos of him have been posted on Youtube. Below are a few that we can recommend.

Marshall Rosenberg interviewed by Big Picture TV

Here are links to three free online streaming video clips of 3 short talks on NVC by Marshall Rosenberg, created by Big Picture TV.

Clip 1 – Nonviolent Communication – Part One (10 mins)

In the first clip of this three-part free online video series, Dr. Marshall Rosenberg talks about how society has suffered under political ‘domination structures’ that emerged about 8,000 years ago. He reflects on the origins of Nonviolent Communication and describes how the process can be used pragmatically in conflict resolution involving religion. To illustrate its effectiveness as a diplomatic tool, he finishes by describing how he helped restore peace in the conflict resolution process between two warring tribes in Nigeria.


Clip 2 – Nonviolent Communication – Part Two (6 mins)

In the second clip of this three-part free online video series, Dr Marshall Rosenberg talks about how we all too often deal with our own shortcomings in ways which ignore our basic human needs. He then goes on to describe how modern medicine can sometimes misdiagnose depression as a chemical imbalance, and explains how such diagnoses seldom look at the internal dialogues we all have that can lead to our feeling depressed.


Clip 3 – Life is Play (4 mins)

In the third clip of this three-part free online video series, Dr Marshall Rosenberg talks about Teilhard de Chardin’s theories of human evolution and how we can move to a more natural way of being – one where no-one advances at the expense of another. He speaks of his own experiences working with Nonviolent Communication and how enriching the lives of others is the most rewarding work mankind can engage in.

Introduction to Marshall Rosenberg (10 mins)

Hear Marshall Rosenberg speak about the impact of the NVC conflict resolution process in transforming world conflicts, creating extraordinary relationships, and contributing to lasting peace in this free 10 minute online streaming video clip.  Interview by Jim Lemkin for his documentary film Beyond Belief.  See part of this clip from source at Beyond Belief Film.

Marshall Rosenberg introducing NVC in seminar (3 Hours)

A 3 hour video of Marshall Rosenberg in seminar in San Francisco in the year 2000, presenting the basic concepts of NVC and interacting with seminar participants

Marshall Rosenberg – Visions of the Future

A 23 minute interview with Marshall Rosenberg, which summarises many elements of his thinking

Marshall Rosenberg on the theme of Organisation (83 Mins)

Marshall Rosenberg talking on the theme of Nonviolent Communication & Corporations. He is interviewed by Paula Gloria, a charity director and Public Access TV producer from Manhattan, from the Concordia Foundation. This free online streaming video is in three parts totalling 84 minutes.


Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life

Nonviolent Communication : A Language of Life

Chapter One of Marshall Rosenberg’s seminal book on Nonviolent Communication, free to read on the CNVC central website.


Audio Recording of Marshall Rosenberg (75 mins)

Marshall Rosenberg Free Audio  A 75 minute free online audio clip, taped on the Peace Talks radio programme. Marshall Rosenberg is captured before a live Albuquerque audience talking about how Nonviolent Communication supports conflict resolution. During this audio session, he also helps members of the studio audience find resolution to conflict scenarios using the principles of Nonviolent Communication. Co hosts: Paul Ingles and Suzanne Kryder. The program was taped at the First Church of Religious Science Auditorium on February 7, 2005. KUNM Community Radio Alburqueque Airdate 24th February, 2006.

NVC Audio Soundbytes

Nonviolent Communication SoundbitesA series of short audio clips of Marshall Rosenberg speaking on diferent NVC topics.  Prepared by Eric Altshuler, and available to download for free on the Centre for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) website. (N.B. You need to register on the CNVC website to gain access to the clips).

2. Nonviolent Communication Online Resources arranged under the following headings:

NVC on Facebook

By far the largest amount of NVC online social interaction takes place on Facebook. There are many NVC pages and groups on Facebook. There are small and closed groups, and open and large groups and pages. Here is a small selection:

Centre for Nonviolent Communication:  www.facebook.com/centerfornonviolentcommunication – The Facebook page for the global NVC community.

Words and Teachings of Marshall Rosenberg:  www.facebook.com/groups/wordsandteachingsofmarshallrosenberg/ – Quotes, video clips and links of Marshall Rosenberg and his teachings.

NVC Facebook Practice Group:  www.facebook.com/groups/onlineNVC/ – Technical and practical questions about how to apply NVC. 3,000+ members.

NVC Beginners Facebook Practice Group:  www.facebook.com/groups/NVCbeginners/ – NVC Facebook group for beginners, with 4,000+ members and several moderators.

NVC Facebook Gentle Space for Requesting Empathy:  www.facebook.com/groups/NVCempathy/ – a Facebook forum where you can request empathy day or night via the page or via Skpye or Phone. With approx 1,000 members. NB This group is only for empathy requests and responses, not for general NVC questions or other uses.

NVC Parenting Facebook group:  www.facebook.com/groups/NVCparents/ – For discussion about how to apply NVC with children – practical support and strategies.

NVC UK Facebook group:  www.facebook.com/groups/18166919895 – advertising NVC UK courses and events.

NVC London Facebook group:  www.facebook.com/groups/502984243229456/ – The emerging main forum for NVC people in London to network socially.

NVC Resolutions Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/NVCResolutions/ – Daren De Witt’s Facebook page, with quotes and links to NVC material and NVC-related themes that Daren has personally selected.

Feelings and needs lists

NVC Feelings List: www.cnvc.org Feelings List NVC Needs List: www.cnvc.org Needs List

Lists of Feelings and needs words to help you with clarity and practice of Nonviolent Communication skills.

NVC Resources for Parents and Schools

The CNVC Parenting Project: www.cnvc.org Parenting Project
Project aiming to establish a world-wide network of NVC support for parents

Parenting Resources: www.cnvc.org Parents
This page from the Centre for Nonviolent Communication website contains various resources for parents, including links to four articles on parenting with Nonviolent Communication, as well as the following links. NB This page requires you to sign up to and login in to the cnvc.org website.

Marshall Rosenberg on Raising Children: www.cnvc.org Raising Children Compassionately
An excerpt from Marshall Rosenberg’s booklet, Raising Children Compassionately.

NVC Parenting Webgroup: Yahoo Group NVC Parenting
A forum for parents who want to live the principles of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) with their families. Through offering empathy and sharing experiences and information, this group seeks to support parents to raise children with the values and tools of NVC.

The Compassionate Classroom: The Compassionate Classroom
This resource book makes a case for putting relationships at the core of classroom concern. The authors suggest ways teachers can do this and focus on activities for cultivating Nonviolent Communication skills and consciousness. Activities and information for teachers and for students are included.

UK NVC Education Group: Yahoo Group NVC UK Education

A group for those based in the UK and beyond who are interested in working with NVC in Education. A chance to connect, share information and explore how to best enrich the lives for everyone within our schools.

NVC Resources for Prisons

CNVC Freedom Project: www.cnvc.org Freedom Project – the purpose of this project is to transform prisoners into peacemakers through training in Nonviolent Communication and the practice of mindfulness.

Article on NVC in Prisons: www.cnvc.org NVC for Prison Officers – written by two UK NVC trainers who work in prisons. Detailed outline of NVC for prison officers, including examples.

NVC and Relationships

For support with your relationship view our page on relationship counselling on this website.


3. Nonviolent Communication Websites Worldwide

This section contains information about and links to other Nonviolent Communication® websites worldwide, arranged under the headings below. If you have a site related to NVC that you would like us to list here, please contact us.

Main NVC Websites

Centre for Nonviolent Communication:

www.cnvc.org – This is the home site for Nonviolent Communication (NVC) worldwide. It contains information about trainings in Nonviolent Communication worldwide. Also contains articles and supportive materials for practice of NVC.
You can also sign up for the CNVC Community News: www.cnvc.org Network News – through this email newsletter you will have a live connection to the global Nonviolent Communication movement. Hear information about new initiatives around the world, exciting upcoming events, and how NVC is making a real difference in people’s lives today. Prepare to be inspired!

Nonviolent Communication Publications:

www.nonviolentcommunication.com – This is the website for Puddledancer Press, which publishes books on Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg and others. It contains information about all these publications, including the first chapter of Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, by Marshall Rosenberg. It also contains articles by NVC trainers and press information.
You can also sign up to theirNVC Quick Connect Newsletter: NVC Quick Connect Newsletter You’ll receive expert articles on the wide application of Nonviolent Communication skills, and exclusive specials on Nonviolent Communication books, Teleclasses, and more.

NVC European site:

www.nvc-europe.org This site provides information and links to NVC trainers and supporters in fourteen European countries.

Nonviolent Communication in Europe

Below are listed some of the main websites currently in Europe, listed alphabetically by country:

Nonviolent Communication Austria:

Nonviolent Communication Belgium:


Nonviolent Communication Czech Republic:

Nonviolent Communication Denmark:


Nonviolent Communication Estonia:

Nonviolent Communication Finland:
NVC Finland

Nonviolent Communication France:

Nonviolent Communication Germany:

Nonviolent Communication Hungary:
www.emk.hu Haava Eva Jonai

Nonviolent Communication Italy:

Nonviolent Communication Luxembourg:

Nonviolent Communication Netherlands:
Martijn Ceelen School voor Vitaliserende Geweldloze Communicatie

Helen Janssen www.helenjanssen.nl

Yoram Mozenson www.connecting2life.net

Justine Mol www.justinemol.nl

Matthew Rich-Tolsma About Me – Matthew Rich

Jan Carol van Drop Geweldige Communicatie

Jan van Koert www.vinecoaching.nl

Nonviolent Communication Norway:

Nonviolent Communication Poland:



Nonviolent Communication Romania:

Nonviolent Communication Spain:

Nonviolent Communication Sweden:

Nonviolent Communication Switzerland:

Nonviolent Communication Turkey:

Nonviolent Communication in the United Kingdom

NVC UK Network Main Site: NVC UK Network
Visit this website for information on NVC trainers, trainings and events throughout the UK. There is also a list of practice groups located around the UK.

UK NVC Education web-group: Yahoo Group NVC Education UK
A support group for those interested in developing NVC in the UK in the field of education.

Websites of UK-based certified NVC trainers:

Elizabeth English, Cambridge: www.lifeatwork.co.uk

Vicky Peirce, Cornwall and South West: www.come-back-to-life.com

Daren De Witt, London: www.nvc-resolutions.co.uk

Bridget Belgrave, Oxford: www.liferesources.org.uk

Gina Lawrie, Surrey: www.ginalawrie.co.uk

Bridget Begrave & Gina Lawrie: www.nvcdancefloors.com

Laura Harvey, Oxford: www.sharedspace.org.uk

Nonviolent Communication in North America

Nonviolent Communication originated in North America, and consequently there are a large number of NVC trainers and supporters located in North America. To see if there is a trainer or supporter located near you, search on the following page:
www.cnvc.org Find a Supporter

In addition, below are listed a selection of websites associated with NVC trainers and NVC groups in North America:

NVC Network: .www.nvcarizona.org

San Diego NVC Group: www.sdnvc.org
San Francisco Bay Area NVC Network: www.baynvc.org
Santa Cruz NVC Center: www.nvcsantacruz.org

Institute for Empowering Communication: www.empoweringcommunicationinc.net

Rocky Mountain Compassionate Communication Network: www.rmccn.org

Stephanie Bachmann Mattei, certified NVC trainer: www.thesanctuary4parents.org

NVC Hawaii: www.hawaiinvc.org

Minneapolis / St Paul (Twin Cities) NVC Facebook page: www.facebook.com/nvctwincities

New York:
NVC New York: www.nycnvc.org

Compassionate Communication-Central Ohio: www.speakingpeace.org

Oregon Network for Compassionate Communication: www.orncc.net

NVC Ottawa: www.nvcottawa.tripod.com

Bren Hardt, certified NVC trainer, Texas: www.whole-hearted-communication.com

Northwest Compassionate Communication: www.nwcompass.org

Washington DC:
Capitol NVC: www.capitolnvc.org

Nonviolent Communication in Canada:

There are more than 20 certified trainers active in Canada, mainly in the south east and south west coastal areas. To see if there is a certified trainer or supporter of NVC living near you, search on the following page:
www.cnvc.org Find a Supporter

In addition, there are the following websites:

British Columbia Network for Compassionate Communication: www.bcncc.ca

Toronto NVC Network: www.nvcnetwork.ca

Nonviolent Communication in Central America

To see if there is a certified trainer or supporter of NVC living near you or in your country, search on the following page:
www.cnvc.org Find a Supporter

Nonviolent Communication in Costa Rica:
Visit this non-affiliated organisation that uses NVC as a key tool in their peacework: www.peacearmyofcostarica.info

Nonviolent Communication in South America

To see if there is a supporter of NVC living near you or in your country, search on the following page:
www.cnvc.org Find a Supporter

In addition, there are the following websites in South American countries:

Nonviolent Communication Argentina:
NVC Argentina: www.cnvargentina.com.ar
NVC Argentina Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/comunicacionnoviolentaargentin
NVC Argentina Facebook page: www.facebook.com/poderdelaconexioncnv

Nonviolent Communication Brazil:
Christophe Vincent, certified NVC trainer, Sao Paolo: www.christophevincent.com

Nonviolent Communication Columbia:
Fabiola Fuentes, certified NVC trainer, Bogota, Columbia: www.cnvc.org Fabiola Fuentes
Jorge Rubio-Vollert, certified NVC trainer, Bogota, Columbia: www.cnvc.org Jorge Rubio-Vollert

Nonviolent Communication in Africa

Currently there are two qualified NVC trainers active in Africa:
Dunia Hategekimana, Kigali, Rwanda www.cnvc.org Dunia Hategekimana
Jean-Baptiste Ndikuriyo, Bujumbura, Burundi www.cnvc.org Jean-Baptiste Ndikuriyo
There are also supporters of NVC in the following countries: Benin, Burindi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda. To find contact addresses for these supporters, go to: www.cnvc.org Find a Supporter
You can also read updates about activities in Africa on the Africa blog page of www.cnvc.org: NVC Africa Blog

Nonviolent Communication in Asia

Currently there are NVC trainers and supporters in many countries in Asia, including: China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Japan, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Turkey, United Arab Emirates.
For a full list of contact details for people in these countries go to: www.cnvc.org Find a Supporter

The following websites are also accessible:

Nonviolent Communication India:
NVC India Information: Yahoo Group NVC India Information
Aniruddha, certified NVC trainer:   www.nvcindia.org

Nonviolent Communication Israel:
Hagit Lifshitz, certified NVC trainer: www.mifgash.org.il
Arnina Kashtan, certified NVC trainer:   www.meitarim.co.il

Nonviolent Communication in Japan:
Yuko Goto, certified NVC trainer: powerwith.jp/yuko/

Nonviolent Communication in the Philippines:
Art Burroughs, certified NVC trainer: www.empathyaction.org

Nonviolent Communication in South Korea:
www.krnvc.org – This is the central website for NVC in South Korea. It contains a list of Nonviolent Communication trainings and links to resources in South Korea.

Nonviolent Communication Sri Lanka:
Certified Nonviolent Communication trainers in Sri Lanka:
Jeyanthy Siva: www.sandhi.org
Chris Rajendram: www.cnvc.org Chris Rajendram
Ramanusha Poopalaratnam: www.cnvc.org Ramanusha Poopalaratnam

Nonviolent Communication in Australia & New Zealand

Nonviolent Communication in Australia:
www.nvcaustralia.com – This is the central website for NVC in Australia. It contains a list of certified Nonviolent Communication trainers and a list of NVC practice groups throughout Australia, and other useful resources.

Nonviolent Communication in New Zealand:
www.nvc.org.nz – This is the central website for NVC in New Zealand. It contains a list of certified Nonviolent Communication trainers and a list of NVC practice groups throughout New Zealand, and other useful resources.